Home Water Conservation to save

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Home Water Conservation ideas

-Repair any leaks in your toilets.

-To reduce the water required to flush, put a quart plastic bottle of water in the tank and save one quart per flush or adjust the float level.

-Replace your old toilet if it was manufactured before 1992.

-Take showers instead of tub baths and limit shower time.

-Install a flow-control device in your showers.

-Wash Clothes using a lower water-level or energy saving setting. If possible do loads between 9-4pm to save energy

- Pretreat stains to avoid rewashing.

-Use a pan of water when peeling and cleaning vegetables and fruits rather than letting the sink tap run.

-Don’t run the tap to get cold water. Keep a bottle of water in the refrigerator for drinking.

-Don’t thaw frozen foods with running tap water.

-Run the dishwasher only when it is completely full.

-Water the lawn less frequently and only at night.

-Install an automatic sprinkler system, which is much more water efficient than hand watering.

-Remove weeds promptly – they rob other plants of water.

-Mow less – mowing puts grass under stress, which makes it need more water.

-Mulch shrubs and garden plants to retain moisture in the soil longer.